Barry McGinn, Chief Executive of the Rehab Group receives a cheque, in respect of 2022, from Senan Mullins, Chief Executive, The Care Trust

For more than 70 years, the Rehab Group (Rehab) has worked to break down the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from living ordinary lives in their communities. Many thousands of people have seen their lives transformed, achieving levels of independence, educational attainment, and career progression that might otherwise have seemed out of reach. The main purpose of Rehab is to empower its service users to lead more independent lives and play an active and meaningful role in their communities, through the provision of high quality, flexible and sustainable care services, learning, training and education, employment-skills and opportunities. Rehab opened new services during 2022, providing support to more people than ever. The support of The Care Trust plays an important part in helping Rehab to deliver its services.