Your questions are important to us

Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you have a question that is not addressed here, then simply click on the Feedback link and add you question and contact details in the fields provided. Thank you for your interest.

I am a non prize draw contributor on PAYE, will the Care Trust get the benefit of the tax I paid on my contribution?

If you pay tax exclusively through the PAYE scheme and if donate a minimum of €250 during the tax year (January –December). This can be a once-off donation or a series of donations e.g. a monthly direct debit. If you meet both of these conditions, by completing and returning the Tax Relief Form you are giving The Care Trust permission to reclaim tax on your behalf. This will greatly enhance the value of your original donation at no extra cost to you.

Where can I get a tax form?

You can download the Tax Relief Form or alternatively you can contact us and we will send the form and SAE to you. The Care Trust Ltd. College House, 71/73 Rock Road, Blackrock, County Dublin CHY No.13691, Email: Phone: +353 (0)1 2000060 Fax: +353 (0)1 2000061

I am not a tax-payer but my husband/wife is, do I still qualify?

Yes, if you are jointly assessed as a married couple either one of you can complete the tax form and any applicable tax relief will accrue to The Care Trust.

In addition to The Care Trust I support a number of other charities. Can The Care Trust still avail of tax relief?

Yes. Regardless of how many charities you support as long as you meet the criteria, i.e. you are a PAYE tax-payer and you donated €250 in the applicable year, then there is no limit on the number of charities that can claim tax relief.

My tax details are personal. Will this information remain confidential?

All details relating to tax are confidential to The Care Trust and the Revenue Commissioners. As per our Customer Charter (see Customer Charter ) The Care Trust does not share any information relating to any of our contributors with any third parties. This has and will continue to be our policy.

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