Tel: (01) 200 0060:  email:   web:

The Care Trust DAC (The Care Trust), College House, 71/73 Rock Road, Blackrock, County Dublin. A94 F9X9

The Care Trust Prize Draw


(Effective from 1st June 2024)

The Care Trust, securing sustained charitable giving, in an open and transparent manner, to empower children and adults, to live life to the full.

Draw Rules:

1. The Care Trust operates Draws for the benefit of The Care Trust Beneficiaries: the Central Remedial Clinic, Rehab Group and special charitable projects, and to provide opportunities for Contributors to win prizes.

2. Contributors “purchase” a Draw ticket when The Care Trust has received, matched and cleared funds to the Contributor’s Care Trust Account.

3. The Care Trust reserves the right to alter the format of the Draws, to adjust the amount required to purchase a Draw ticket and to alter the prize structure within the terms of the relevant lottery legislation.

4. The Care Trust Board Directors, employees and Independent Fundraising Representatives are prohibited from participation in the Draws.

5. Prize winners in the Draws may be requested to participate in a photo-shoot for on-going promotion of the Draws.

6. The Care Trust reserves the right to change the day on which the Draws take place. A schedule of Draw dates is available on and on request at the above address.

7. It is not necessary to claim and all prize winners will be notified by post. The Care Trust will take other appropriate and reasonable steps to contact prize winners where postal contact has failed. Any prizes not claimed within 12 months of the relevant Draw will be deemed as forfeited.

8. The prize-car is non-transferrable. No other models are permitted. Contributors may upgrade at their own expense. The Care Trust may, at its sole discretion offer a cash alternative option to any prize winner.

9. The top prize offered is the specified prize-car only.

10. The prize-car must be registered in the prize winner’s name before delivery of the prize-car can occur.

11. The Care Trust decision in relation to the selection of the prize winner is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

12. In the event of any dispute regarding the Rules and/or Procedures, the conduct of the Draws or Draw results, the decision of The Care Trust will be final.

13. Draw entrants must be at least 18 years old and resident in the Republic of Ireland in order to qualify as a prize winner. The Care Trust reserves the right to request written proof of age of any prize winner.

14. Where a prize winner is deceased, the prize will be transferred to the estate of the deceased Contributor.

15. The prize winner is the Contributor named in The Care Trust Contributor account and is not necessarily the payer of the contribution.

16. The names and addresses of prize winners will be published in a monthly result sheet, which is available on The Care Trust website, social media pages and may be advertised in the national and/or local press.

17. The Care Trust or its Beneficiaries, shall not be liable for any loss, damage or consequential damage of any nature whether in contract, tort including negligence or otherwise caused by acceptance of these Rules and Procedures or in connection with the Draws.

18. By entering The Care Trust Draws, all Contributors will be deemed as having accepted and being bound by these Rules and Procedures and having consented to their personal data being transferred to the Data Controller (The Care Trust) for the purposes of the administration and marketing of the Draws. All Rules and Procedures form part of the Draw entry.

19. Prize-car winners are notified initially by phone and shortly afterwards a confirmation letter is issued. Winners are requested to furnish a copy of a recent utility bill to verify their name and address and upon receipt, The Care Trust will instruct our prize-car suppliers to contact the winner directly regarding delivery.

Draw Procedures:

1. The Care Trust operates periodic prize Draws under licence granted by The District Court pursuant to the Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Act, 2019.

2. Tickets are issued for each 1-cent of contribution and each ticket is allocated a unique Draw number by the Draw process. Winning tickets are randomly selected by computer.

3. All monthly contributions received and ticketed during any given month are entered into draws that month, using 1 cent Draw tickets.

4. Draw tickets are issued for Contributor receipts that have been matched and cleared for ticketing. At the end of the month, tickets for the monthly draws are collated and the list of winners of each Draw is published.

5. Contributions paid by monthly bank mandate are allocated a numbered ticket for each 1 cent of that contribution.  Tickets are entered in the first available draw in the month in which their funds are matched and cleared. Contributions paid other than by monthly bank mandate e.g. payroll deductions, periodic contributions or once-off contributions, are  allocated 1 cent tickets, when  funds are matched and cleared, up to a  limit of  €10 per month, (i.e.  1,000 tickets) for that month and for each successive month, until the contribution has been fully allocated. If after allocation to 12 successive monthly draws, the full amount has not been allocated, then a wrap-around occurs with further tickets issued in allocations of €10, commencing with the first available draw and continuing for no more than 11 subsequent draws, with further wrap-arounds of up to 12 draws, as required.   For example, a once-off €25 contribution would realise €10 of tickets in the first available draw, with a further €10 and €5 of tickets, respectively, in the following 2 draws. A once-off payment of €250 would result in tickets being issued for €10 for each monthly draw for twelve successive months, commencing with the first available draw, and then repeated for the same 12 months with the residual €10 of tickets allocated to the first available draw in the sequence. This would result in €30 (€10 + €10 + €10) of tickets in the first available draw, and €20 (€10 + €10) of tickets in each of the remaining 11 draws within the 12 draw cycle.

6. Contributors are entered on The Care Trust Contributor database and issued with a unique Contributor ID, in respect of his/her enrolment. This ID should be quoted in all correspondence with The Care Trust. A Contributor with more than one enrolment will have a Contributor ID for each enrolment.

7. The Care Trust maintains an account for each Contributor ID. This Contributor account details contributions received and amounts processed by The Care Trust to purchase Draw tickets.

8. A result sheet giving names and addresses of prize winners may be published, monthly or quarterly, but responsibility cannot be accepted for errors, misprints or other circumstances, which fail to give correct information. Results will also be published on The Care Trust website and/or may be printed in the national/local press.

9. Contributors’ personal data, held by The Care Trust (such as name, address, Contributor ID, bank account details etc.) will only be used for the purposes of administering and marketing the Draws. Contributors can access their personal data on The Care Trust e-portal, by logging in to ‘My Care Trust Account’ on The Care Trust website using their surname and unique Contributor ID. Contributors can also request a copy of their account by Telephone 1800 125 125 or 01 200 0060 or by emailing

10. Contributors may receive a thank you letter upon sign up and a letter of acknowledgment of cancellation when ceasing. Each year, Contributors may view on website an update on funds raised by The Care Trust and provided to the Beneficiaries.

11. Draw receipts are recognised as income when matched with the relevant Contributor. Amounts due from income to the Beneficiaries as per the Gaming and Lotteries Amendment Act 2019 are transferred monthly to the Beneficiaries and are reported in the monthly management accounts to The Care Trust Board and, annually, to An Garda Síochána.


The Care Trust conforms to SEPA (Single European Payments Area) scheme Rules for the operation and administration of Direct Debits. The Care Trust complies with the Charities Governance Code as issued by the Charities Regulator and the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.

A copy of these Rules & Procedures shall be provided on request and shall be published on The Care Trust website

Marketing and Statutory Reporting:

Contributors to the prize Draws should note that The Care Trust will, from time to time, take photographs of prize winners, to be used for marketing purposes. The Care Trust, together with a number of organisations who are in partnership with The Care Trust, reserves the right to publish such photographs on its website, in the media, and in social media outlets. The winning Contributors, by taking part in any prize Draw event, may be photographed and details including their name may be recorded.

The Care Trust and the organisations in partnership with The Care Trust, intend to publish some winning Contributors’ names, and if available, photographs. By participating in the prize Draws, each Contributor explicitly agrees to the publication of his/her name and, if available, a photograph of their participation in the event.

Please note that The Care Trust may store Contributors’ personal information for use by it and selected third parties and the information will be used in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) for marketing purposes.

Updated 1st June 2024

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